Block of the month
February 2021 BOM

Broken Dishes
February BOM 2021
“Broken Dishes”
This is a simple block to make, but before you get started, read all of the instructions. It is made with any color or size print you like. The colors need to be the same. For example, 2 shades of blue or 2 shades of red – one being dark and one medium. The important thing is that there is a lot of contrast between the two.
Color A – Medium print
Color B – Dark print
Cut 2 squares 7” of A
Cut 2 squares 7” of B
Using all 4 squares, pair a dark with a medium, right sides together.
Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner on the wrong side of the lighter square.
Sew a scant ¼” seam on each side of the line. Cut on the drawn line. Press towards the dark side.
You should have 4 half square triangles. Trim to 6 ½” square
Assemble as shown.
Your block should measure 12-½”
IMPORTANT…. If your block is larger than 12-½” please make sure you leave ¼” on the points of the center square. It is better to have a block that is slightly larger and have the 1/4” there for the seam allowance.
Any questions please contact Pat Simmons