Block of the month
April 2021 BOM

PATTERN: Butterfly Block
April 2021
This is a very simple block but it is critical that the Half Square Triangle (HST) units are accurate. The cutting directions call for over sized pieces so that they can be trimmed to the proper size. Please follow those instructions. Refer to the photos to the left separately for inspiration.
The background should be made of cream – either a solid or tone-on-tone.
The body, upper and lower wings can be made from 2 or 3 light to medium solids or small prints. Any color is fine in a light or medium tone. (If using 3 prints, one would be used for the upper wings, one for the body and the third for the lower wings.) Contrast is important.
From the background fabric cut one 7 1/2″ square and three 4 1/2″ squares.
For the upper wings, cut one 7 1/2″ square.
For the body, cut two 3 1/2 squares.
For the lower wings, cut three 4 1/2″ squares.
Draw a diagonal line on the back of the cream 7 1/2″ square. Draw a diagonal line on the back of the three cream 4 1/2″ squares. Pair with the print squares of the same size. With right sides together, stitch 1/4″ on both sides of the diagonal line. Cut on the diagonal line and press seam open. Trim the larger squares to 6 1/2: and the smaller squares to 3 1/2:.
Assemble as show in the photos to the left. Press all seams open. The block should measure 12 1/2″ square.
Any questions call Pauline Robertson 588-3651
Please contact Pauline Robertson if you have questions.