Block of the month

July 2021 Block of the Month

Diagram 1
Diagram 2

Peas in a Pod

Fabric choice: Assorted brights, geometrics, and texture

Four different colors for peas
One color for background

Peas: Cut 4 pieces 3’’ x 3”

Cut 2 strips 3” x 8”
Cut 2 strips 3” x 10 ½”


Sew 4 “pea” squares together to form strip 3″ x 10.5″. (Diagram 1)
Press seams open.

Sew 1 long strip to each side of “pea” strip. (Diagram 2) Press seams open.
Piece will measure 8” x 10.5″

Sew short strips to top and bottom of block. (Diagram 3)
Press seams open.
Block should measure 8” x 15 1/2″.

Diagram 3