Block of the month

June 2021 Block of the month

PATTERN: Pick Up Stix


Block of the Month – June 2021


This pattern should result in a block that measures 12½” when completed, and  will finish as a 12″ block when stitched into a quilt.

This quit by Alexandra Winston ( was featured in the June/July 2011 issue of Quilter’s Home Magazine. “One, two, buckle my shoe; three, four, shut the door; five, six, pick up sticks; seven, eight, lay them straight!” Who can’t fondly remember Spring afternoons on a sidewalk or porch with a best friend and a can of sticks?

block assembly diagram
block diagram
  • Cut one 13″ square from a light gray
  • Cut several 1½” strips from yellow, green, pink, and/or purple fabrics; some will need to be at least 16″

  • Make a diagonal cut across the gray square, at any angle but not from corner-to-corner. With rights sides together and with the strip extending past the edge of the square, sew a strip to 1 portion of the Sew the other portion .of the square to the opposite side of the strip, positioning the square portions so they align when opened. Press seam allowances toward the strip.

  • Make a second diagonal cut across the block, in any direction but not from corner-to- As before, sew another strip between the diagonal cuts. If you have cut the first strip into two pieces, align the ends carefully before you sew the two portions of the square together. ·
  • You may stop here, or continue to add one or two more strips. The edges of the 13″ square will get a bit wonky after a couple of strips – it’s ok and totally Blame it on the “big fat hen” …..

  • Trim block to 12 ½”!

First presented by Candace in 2012 and repurposed in 2021 by Joyce Schmidt at