Block of the month
March 2021 BOM

PATTERN: Friendship Star
Fabric should be small prints that read as solids.
Four 4 1/2″ blue squares
Two 5 1/2″ blue squares
One 4 1/2 yellow square
Two 5 1/2″ yellow square
Layer one 5 1/2″ blue square and one 5 1/2″ yellow square right sides together. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. Draw a 1/2 stitching line on either side of the center diagonal line. Sew on stitching lines. Using a rotary cutter, separate the HST units on the drawn line. Press open.
Trim each HST unit to a 4 1/2″ square by placing the 45 degree angle line on the ruler over the stitched seam on the HST unit and checking that the 4 1/2″ lines fall within the HST unit. Trim one corner (two sides) to a lean edge being careful to keep your corners square. Rotate the HST unit and line up the 45 degree angle line on the ruler over the stitched seam and trim to 4 1/2″.
Sew the Friendship Star block as illustrated.
Kathie Brooks 731-5837
Please contact Kathy Brooks in you have questions.